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Masha Babko(Маша Бабко) is the most famous model of the Siberian Mouse studio(Сибирская Мышь). She was born on March 1, 1999 in Novosibirsk (Russia). Maria(Мария Бабко) lived in a poor family and when she found out about the studio, she met the photographer and director Sergei Kropochkin(Сергей Кропочкин). Masha worked with Sergey Kropochkin(Сергей Кропочкин) for two years, with this model he made the most photo and video materials.

Siberian Mouse(Сибирская Мышь) did not exist officially, but despite this it was quite famous in the city. The studio was very popular and there was a very tough competition between the models at the castings. Siberian Mouse(Сибирская Мышь) worked from 2001 to 2011. In addition to Masha, Irina Nikolayzen(Ирина Николайзен), Tanya Tumashova(Татьяна Тумашова) and many other girls of a wide age category also worked in the studio. After the closure of the studio, the further life of young models developed in a variety of ways.

Irina Nikolaizen(Ирина Николайзен) is now married and continues to live in Novosibirsk, has two children. Masha Babko(Мария Бабко) reappeared in front of the camera lenses a few years later, becoming a participant in a talk show and gave an interview. Masha spoke about the teenage period of her life, also talking about how her working past at Siberian Mouse(Сибирская Мышь) affected her relationships with peers and teachers at school, what difficulties she had to overcome. Nowadays Masha Babko(Маша Бабко) studies at Novosibirsk University and also takes part in artistic photo shoots, posing for private photographers, receiving a considerable profit from the pictures. Siberian Mouse(Сибирская Мышь) made her quite popular, she is actively invited to work on television and in various professional photo studios. In the near future, Maria plans to live in Moscow and having received an education will work as a psychologist.

Very hot teen girl.